Stonewall Kitchen
It all started in 1991 at a local farmers’ market with a few dozen items that we’d finished hand-labeling only hours before. Fast-forward to today, and Stonewall Kitchen is now home to an ever-growing family of lifestyle brands that includes Tillen Farms, Montebello, Napa Valley Naturals, Vermont Village, Village Candle, Urban Accents, Vermont Coffee Company and a co-branded line with Legal Sea Foods! Expertly made with premium ingredients, our products are the result of decades spent dreaming up, testing and producing only the very best in specialty foods and fine home living.
Carol Deeney
International Sales Manager -
Janine Somers
VP of Marketing and DTC -
Kathy Gilbert
VP of National Sales -
Rick Lees
Elle Costa
Corey Fogarty
John Stiker
Chief Executive -
Kathleen O'Brien
Sales Manager - New England -
Rick Perry
Sales Manager - West -
Alexandra Lynch
Marketing -
Christopher LaCroix
Quality -
Vidur Mittal
Rick Smith
Director of Quality Control -
Jonathan King
Co-Founder -
Aimee Roy
Sales Manager - Mid Atlantic -
Sonya Keniston
Customer Service Manager -
Jim Stott
Co-Founder -
Lisa Patterson
Sales Operations Manager -
Stephanie Miller
Kathy Gilbert
Jenna Miller
Senior Marketing Specialist -
Aimee Rideout
Director -
Jay Lombard
Buyer -
Mathew Robertson
Marketing Manager -
Jonathan King
President -
Erika Moody